Teaching Experience

Teaching Experience #

Lecturing #

LM Topology and its Applications (2023)
I lectured a graduate course on topology and its applications in science and engineering. The biginnings of my lecture notes are available here

Tutorials #

Mathematics for Data Science (2023)
I TA’d a four-week bootcamp on foundational mathematical topics for students entering the Data Science MSc and other similar courses.
Introduction to Topology (2022)
I ran a serise of companion tutorial sessions for the course Introduction to Topology taught by the CDT in Topological Design

Reading Group #

Differential Geometry Reading Group (2022)
I organised a reading group on the basics of intrinsic differential geometry for physics PhD students. I chose to use the book Differential Forms by Guillemin and Haine since it begins from the multilinear algebra perspective instead of the more classical construction of the category of Smooth Manifolds.