
Upcoming Conferences #

Past Conferences #

Workshop on Hamiltonian Geometry and Quantization #

The Fields Institute

July 15 - 19 2024

International Congress of Mathematical Physics & YRS #

Strasbourg, France

28 June - 6 July 2024

Higgs Centre School of Theoretical Physics 2024 #

Higgs Center, University of Edinburgh

May 27-31 2024

Workshop and school on Complex Lagrangians, Integrable Systems, and Quantization #

FRG - YEAR 1 meeting, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford

June 5-9 2023

TopPhoto23 #

Topological Photonics 2023, Madrid, Spain

31 May – 2 June 2023

Topological Methods In Mathematical Physics #

International School of Mathematics «Guido Stampacchia», Erice, Italy

2-6 September 2022

ICOAM 2022 #

6th International Conference on Optical Angular Momentum, Tampere University, Finland

12–17 June 2022